Psychology Labs and Resources

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Department of Psychology

Lone Working Policy - Out of hours working

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pdf iconThe complete policy is available for download and will be required for any out of normal hours access

This guidance deals with the potential hazards associated with lone working and working with participants outside typical working hours which may give rise to risk to your personal safety whilst using the Psychology Labs. The principal aim of the guidance is to ensure that all lab users are aware of the potential hazards and risks associated with lone working, their individual roles and responsibilities in preventing danger to themselves and others and, to outline the practical steps that can be taken to minimise the risks to their safety.

  1. Out of hours working in the laboratories is not typically permitted for undergraduate students (normal lab working hours being 9:00 – 17:30)
  2. Out of hours working is discouraged for postgraduate students and staff members however if required access can be agreed so long as staff in the Security Lodge are aware of timings etc, and the appropriate Out of Hours Forms are completed
  3. Anyone working out of hours must identify associated hazards and assess specific risks via Risk Assessments as appropriate
  4. No experimental work shall be completed in Labs when the university is officially closed (e.g. Christmas)