Psychology Labs and Resources

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Department of Psychology

General Lab Use Policy

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  1. Users must not in any way deliberately cause any form of damage to Liverpool Hope University’s facilities
  2. Users must comply with any instructions or regulations displayed in the labs
  3. Food and drink are not to be consumed in the laboratory
  4. Users must respect the rights of others and conduct themselves in a professional manner
  5. You must not occupy a computer workstation unless you are actively using it for learning, teaching and research
  6. You are not permitted to leave your belongings at a workstation in an attempt to reserve the workstation while you are away for an extended period
  7. Space is at a premium in some of the laboratories. Ensure that you arrange participant arrival timings such that overlap/waiting time between participants is avoided
  8. Ensure that the equipment is left as you would wish to find it when you walk in, with all surfaces and equipment being cleaned prior to leaving the laboratory
  9. Risk assessments must be completed by the researcher and Dissertation Supervisor prior to beginning any research activity
  10. Undergraduate and postgraduate students must consult with their supervisors about their practical work in order that the potential risks and hazards associated with their research be assessed and practicable precautions/procedures be put into place
  11. Ethical approval should be in place prior to beginning any data collection