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Department of Psychology

Deary-Liewald Choice Reaction Time

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Choice reaction time measures the basic cognitive processes of perception and response execution. The task requires that participants make one specific response (e.g., z, x n, m key) whenever any one of a number of stimuli (e.g., a shape) appears on the screen in a certain position.


Participants are presented with participant information and asked for digital informed consent. There is a 5 second instruction to place fingers over the response keys, followed by a 5 second countdown.

A 24 x 24px fixation cross is displayed for a variable duration (can be changed in the conditions file). Four blue rectangles 100 x 120px are positioned across the hoizontal axis, 20 pixels apart. In each trial an x (30px) is displayed in the centre of one of the boxes. Depending on the position of the x, the participant must respond with z, x, n, or m key. There are 12 practice trials with feedback stating if the response was correct, and the reaction time for each correct response. The experimental trials are set to 4 repetitions (48 trials), and this can be changed in the trials loop properties.

Figure 1: A single trial in the Deary-Liewald Choice Reaction Time Task
Figure to show a single trial in the experiment


Deary, I. J., Liewald, D., & Nissan, J. (2011). A free, easy-to-use, computer-based simple and four-choice reaction time programme: the Deary-Liewald reaction time task. Behavior research methods, 43, 258-268.